Tuesday, June 06, 2006


you know i had to write an entry on this.

so, the sixth day, of the sixth month of the new sixth year.

at least in our generation. because there was 1906 and shit...
we'll just have to wait around another 10 years to have an "OOH THE WORLD IS ENDING!!" moment.
thats the part that I THINK is fucked up about all this...who came up with 666 being the number of the devil anyway? i know GOD didn't think of it, neither did einstein or thomas edison. they were too busy being relatively bright. hehehe, get it...relativity...the lightbulb=bright. hehe. okay fuck you.

so who came up with 666? i didnt. you realize that if we had said 555 was the devil's number i'd be writing it on that, right? because, if you think about it...because we've seen things a certain way for nearly 2000 years...anything else looks weird, or "not right" or...*gasp* abnormal.

like what if we had our arms on our asses. like you know, two large arms with hands sticking out of our ass cheeks. sure, for what we've INVENTED, that shit would be perverted, strange and completely impractical. but what if we had invented cars that you drove with your hands in your ass? or telephones that you could pick up and talk trhough your ass with. considering your arms wont reach all the way up to your mouth from your ass...ya get what i'm saying.

so people. the.world.isnt.going.to.end. and you can go ahead and have a baby, he wont be that evil "damien" creature from "the omen". that's right. your baby will be PERFECTLY NORMAL. he will not conjure spirits, he will not raise dead bodies, he will not try to kill you. all hell will not break lose...maybe in his playpen...but certainly not on the world.

<3 snoopy


At 12 June, 2006 20:55, Blogger Dannel said...

ok so....screw the whole mirrored upside down thing huh? yea, so.....just ignore all that. At least get the facts straight on the number of the beast ¬_¬

according to Freud, Damien has MAJOR issues...MAJOR!


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