Tasting the Rainbow and those talking round things...
So yeah, skittles...did you know that i actually DON'T like candy? i have never liked it. chocolate makes me feel just about as good as walking over a bed of hot coals with a pair of scissors pierced into my tongue. for all you masachists out there, you aren't allowed to comment. you'd love that woulndt you?
okay, so...discuss?
MnM's and Skittles. Skittles have a variety of flavors and come in all colors. I think its stupid that theyve come up with different KINDS of skittles. sour skittles, regular skittles, wild flavored skittles...and there might even be more. hell if i know, i dont eat the damn things. MnM's are even worse...they're chocolate covered peanuts and now they've given them this symbolic status by making them talk...the red guy, they yellow guy, the blue guy and the green slut...i mean chick. i mean, dude, what the hell is up with that? nobody wants to eat a talking shit-covered peanut!! at least i dont. hell, i dont even like peanuts. i think the point of this discussion is pellet sized shit balls are not good, and i will never eat them and to all those who enjoy them, i have a warning: throw out the brown skittles and mnm's. why? because they ran out of covering and just slathered more shit on the outside and branded it with an M. and there you have it. discussed.
next post coming soon. your question of the day...i just have to think of it first! :P haha
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