Wednesday, April 26, 2006

the richest? the most attractive? or the smartest? AAAH!

Eli is now the cruelest person known to my existence.
she's making me think during my last week of actual school

okay, okay. options are endless wealth, matchless beauty or unending brains. yeah that last one wasnt so cool was it? meh, i tried. i liked eli's method of putting the pros and cons in about each option, but this can get to be really complicated...three options with many pros and way ho-zay. let's just run through it all in one one really long paragraph, or chronic diarreah...(hehe)

being the richest person in the world would eliminate the second choice, being the most attractive, because i could pay somebody to do that for me and i would be able to afford to maintain that beauty for as long as i desired it necessary, cuz honestly, who wants to look like a 25 yr old woman in their 90s when ur going to be in a senior home where they youngest guy you'll find is the latin guy cleaning your bathrooms...who's got a wife, children and herpes? noooo thanks. although, while i'm in my youth, it would be fun. cars, men, movies, trips, clothes, just STUFF. man, i love stuff...stuff is awesome...but more on stuff later. the point is that bein the richest person in the world wouldn't necessarily be THAT amazing, although most misguided assholes not a misguided asshole, just misguided, so that automatically saves me =) snoopy: 1 misguided assholes: 0

being the most attractive person in the i mean, i consider myself a relatively attractive person already. im not pam anderson, keira knightly, natalie portman, j lo, shakira or any of those airbrushed-for-magazines type girls, but im not rosie o'donnel either. (you know, the fat, funny lesbian? im funny, but not fat and a lesbian.) sure, i'll get a lot of sex...but that's only becaause i'm beautiful and not because of my personality. as soon as i start getting ugly, so will my husband or boyfriend, and so will everything else...including that weird person i'll see in the mirror every day...i'll be like 'THAT CANT BE ME!!!' but it will be, and it'll be horrible. besides, im not even HOT and i get a lot of sex and people like me for my personality. i'm perfectly happy like that :) all good things come to an end anyway. snoopy: 2 misguided assholes (bimbos): 0

now...being the SMARTEST person in the world...could get me both all the riches in the world (...if i was a wealthy giiiirl!!) AND i'd figure out a way to keep myself decently attractive for as long as i needed to be. i dont need to be drop dead sexy (even tho i already am...HA, just kidding) just attractive enough to get a guy for personality and looks. i hate those fuckers that say they'd date someone that's got 'a great personality' because you know you're going to date the hot slut even if she is a complete bitch over the pimply-faced, web-footed girl who is funny as hell and is a great person...come on people get real. stop lying to yourselves you misguided assholes!! so, being smart will get me everything because nobody is smarter than myself, i can get lots of money and figure out a way to stay decently attractive for as long as i wish. so i would DEFINITELY pick being the smartest person in the world...just as long as i dont have to wear glasses and speak all technical. like i dont want to be holding a beer and be talking to this hot guy about the fact that i can tell exactly how much alcohol is in the actual drink just by tasting it or something stupid like that...yeah...that would definitely be a setback. snoopy: 3 misguided assholes: 0

there ya go, eli. i kicked your pros vs cons method ass. snoopy : 4 and eli: 0 =P


Saturday, April 22, 2006

Gee...I wish I were a man...NOT

Let's see...if i were a man for a day how would i spend it eh? hMmMm...
i might spend it the way a lot of other men spend their days, thinking about women, buying, downloading and watching porn. ahh, but this may offend many men as they dont ALL do that...some dont like porn. haha. and that's cool...cuz they're just weird. woah, hey now, i dont like all...hate that shit. BAD FOR YOU!! seriously.
so lets see. if i were a man for a day, i would get up in the morning, scratch my testicles and yawn REEEALLY big, flop over to the mirror and check my face. my face would be stubbly and shit so i'd grope around for a razor and hope to god i dont cut myself cuz i was really wasted the night before...the night before was a sunday FYI. i have to go to work in like 20 minutes and i havent even make way for the shower. SHIT i cut myself already. i hope i have those tiny bandaids. so i'd finishing nicking myself and get into the shower and notice my wang. be like. holy shit, i've always wanted one of these, but not so...attatched to my body and ..SHIT that hurts when i flick it...OW, stop it!! dude, these things are just in the fuckin' way. who WANTS one of these?? its like having a pole with blood attatched to your body that reacts with your emotions. unfortunatley now i can be manipulated by girls who tend to pay attention in that region. shit, that sucks. ugh...why does it have to be so BIG?...
so, then i'd get dressed for work, and then i'd go off to the construction site, yeah cuz thats where i work...i'd put on my hard hat and think about porn as i revved up the chainsaw whipping it. oh yeah, you guys know that's EXACTLY what you do. dont lie. no, yea you, dont lie. im watching you...
then i'd come home and whack off to some useless porn and then call all these girls i WANT to date but they think im disgusting and i dont have a change with any of them. oh well.
so that's my day. i go to bed naked because its too hot to sleep with clothes on.

sorry for not posting sooner, i've been VERY out of it.

If you were to pick between these two things: a nose bleed or chronic diarreah, which one would you choose to have? :)


Thursday, April 20, 2006



an important news flash to hit MSN Messenger yesterday, there was a giant letter spill over the conversation between Snoopy and Eli over a million square pixel area. The sheer amount of devastation that occured over this area was phenomenal. we have sent a reporter into the area to get a closer look at the devastation. reporter...can you hear me...

*gccckkkhh* seems we have lost our reporter in the C's of the tragedy. we extend our condolences to the family of the second reporter to whom we will esnd a large handbasket of candies and flowers to commemerate his death. we are sorry for your loss. in other news...

HAHA, yes this is a conversation that eli and i had was quite amusing. if you really think about it its funny.

so, i was getting ready to go to bed the other day...and i seriously couldnt get to sleep...and i sat up straight in bed and decided to try and have a conversation with my stuffed animal. his name is binky. binky the bunny rabbit. he's super awesome, i <3 him. so..i was talking to binky when suddnely, i started talking back AS binky in order to have a regular conversation. i was talking to myself, i felt my brain kinda separate into two conversations at once. it was really weird. at one point we started talking about how the world could be a better place if there were more stuffed animals to go around to all of the homeless children in the metroplolitan lima area. it was just...really weird. its never happened before. then i tried to have a conversation with binky about angels. he doesnt think there are even or in hell. must be cold down there in hell...yeah, cuz i said that hell would freeze over. man life is good. okay now i have no clue what im talking boaut. im just going to go on to my quesiton of the day.

eli posed to me a questoin of the day verbally. this is normally not allowed and goes against every policy about the blog. well, its still not allowed, so now tha i have posted something, i must have a WRITTEN question of the day or else refuse to answer it.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Tasting the Rainbow and those talking round things...

So yeah, skittles...did you know that i actually DON'T like candy? i have never liked it. chocolate makes me feel just about as good as walking over a bed of hot coals with a pair of scissors pierced into my tongue. for all you masachists out there, you aren't allowed to comment. you'd love that woulndt you?
okay, so...discuss?

MnM's and Skittles. Skittles have a variety of flavors and come in all colors. I think its stupid that theyve come up with different KINDS of skittles. sour skittles, regular skittles, wild flavored skittles...and there might even be more. hell if i know, i dont eat the damn things. MnM's are even worse...they're chocolate covered peanuts and now they've given them this symbolic status by making them talk...the red guy, they yellow guy, the blue guy and the green slut...i mean chick. i mean, dude, what the hell is up with that? nobody wants to eat a talking shit-covered peanut!! at least i dont. hell, i dont even like peanuts. i think the point of this discussion is pellet sized shit balls are not good, and i will never eat them and to all those who enjoy them, i have a warning: throw out the brown skittles and mnm's. why? because they ran out of covering and just slathered more shit on the outside and branded it with an M. and there you have it. discussed.

next post coming soon. your question of the day...i just have to think of it first! :P haha


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

eli's question of the day!

i was sitting in spanish class, and i was like...what the hell? this woman has NO IDEA what she's doing!! why am i sitting here LISTENING to her ramble about STUPID SHIT?? hmm...and its sad because i need a grade from her to graduate and go out into the real world. ain't that shit? i was sitting there, thinking about why i was reading about this stupid bitch that i listen to during period 2 every single day (except thursday), i thought, HEY, i got a computer so let me post my question of the day. here is eli's QUESTION OF THE DAY *corny fanfare*

If you could pick any teacher to send to the frozen infinite of antartica with only one piece of bread and a glass of long island iced tea (with ice...hehehe) who would it be?


Monday, April 17, 2006

jessie's answer and a tid bit for fun!

"you got a friend in got a FRIEEEND in..." ...oh sorry, singing? yes? no? okay singing..
a disney character ehhh? hmm, I WANT TO BE SIMBA. that's right man...SIMBA is the shit. he's always been my favorite disney character OF all time. sure i'd have to grow lion manly balls but HEY, i get to kill my evil uncle and hang out in a jungle with two guys and NEVER DO ANYTHING..dude, that is so the life

have you ever noticed that when you walk down the street, a cab going in the OPPOSITE direction always honks at you?? WHAT THE WTF is that?!! seriously man...these stupid cabs, if you're walking in ONE direction, its OBVIOUSLY the direction you want to be going in...NOT in the direction you JUST CAME FROM, otherwise...*looks fom side to side...whispers* you wouldnt be walking that way...=O ridiculous concept isnt it? hehehe.


Eli's Question for the Day

Eliana, since we are in school right now and we wouldnt be using our immense brain power for anything important, here's a question for you. Here is ELI'S QUESTION OF THE DAY!

If you had to pick a flavor of booger when you picked your nose, which one would make you want to jump up and down and sing praises?


Sunday, April 16, 2006


Hey folks, Snoopy here.
Since I'm the only ones with the brains in this set, Im going to introduce the Blog
I walked into my IB Theater Arts class for 2nd year
And there was this new girl, Eliana.
We connected quite well over the last semester and a half of school
And now we talk pretty much daily.
We LOL, we ROFL and we KICK ASS!!
This is OUR blog!!

