the richest? the most attractive? or the smartest? AAAH!
Eli is now the cruelest person known to my existence.
she's making me think during my last week of actual school
okay, okay. options are endless wealth, matchless beauty or unending brains. yeah that last one wasnt so cool was it? meh, i tried. i liked eli's method of putting the pros and cons in about each option, but this can get to be really complicated...three options with many pros and way ho-zay. let's just run through it all in one one really long paragraph, or chronic diarreah...(hehe)
being the richest person in the world would eliminate the second choice, being the most attractive, because i could pay somebody to do that for me and i would be able to afford to maintain that beauty for as long as i desired it necessary, cuz honestly, who wants to look like a 25 yr old woman in their 90s when ur going to be in a senior home where they youngest guy you'll find is the latin guy cleaning your bathrooms...who's got a wife, children and herpes? noooo thanks. although, while i'm in my youth, it would be fun. cars, men, movies, trips, clothes, just STUFF. man, i love stuff...stuff is awesome...but more on stuff later. the point is that bein the richest person in the world wouldn't necessarily be THAT amazing, although most misguided assholes not a misguided asshole, just misguided, so that automatically saves me =) snoopy: 1 misguided assholes: 0
being the most attractive person in the i mean, i consider myself a relatively attractive person already. im not pam anderson, keira knightly, natalie portman, j lo, shakira or any of those airbrushed-for-magazines type girls, but im not rosie o'donnel either. (you know, the fat, funny lesbian? im funny, but not fat and a lesbian.) sure, i'll get a lot of sex...but that's only becaause i'm beautiful and not because of my personality. as soon as i start getting ugly, so will my husband or boyfriend, and so will everything else...including that weird person i'll see in the mirror every day...i'll be like 'THAT CANT BE ME!!!' but it will be, and it'll be horrible. besides, im not even HOT and i get a lot of sex and people like me for my personality. i'm perfectly happy like that :) all good things come to an end anyway. snoopy: 2 misguided assholes (bimbos): 0
now...being the SMARTEST person in the world...could get me both all the riches in the world (...if i was a wealthy giiiirl!!) AND i'd figure out a way to keep myself decently attractive for as long as i needed to be. i dont need to be drop dead sexy (even tho i already am...HA, just kidding) just attractive enough to get a guy for personality and looks. i hate those fuckers that say they'd date someone that's got 'a great personality' because you know you're going to date the hot slut even if she is a complete bitch over the pimply-faced, web-footed girl who is funny as hell and is a great person...come on people get real. stop lying to yourselves you misguided assholes!! so, being smart will get me everything because nobody is smarter than myself, i can get lots of money and figure out a way to stay decently attractive for as long as i wish. so i would DEFINITELY pick being the smartest person in the world...just as long as i dont have to wear glasses and speak all technical. like i dont want to be holding a beer and be talking to this hot guy about the fact that i can tell exactly how much alcohol is in the actual drink just by tasting it or something stupid like that...yeah...that would definitely be a setback. snoopy: 3 misguided assholes: 0
there ya go, eli. i kicked your pros vs cons method ass. snoopy : 4 and eli: 0 =P