Here is a list of completely random yet relevant (oxymoron...paradoxical phrase?) thoughts that sped through my brain this evening. I was talking to Eli and of course, she mentioned that we hadn't updated the blog in ages. I can actually see little micro dust gathering on the links of the buttons to get into the blog.
"Wow, if I hold my head sideways, it looks like I'm ACTUALLY typing faster."
Now I actually just came up with the above thought, I was literally typing with my head sideways and decided to add it before I forgot. It was a crazy thought.
"Holy shit, Eli left me a question of the day and I better click on the link to see what it was so I can answer it."
Okay, those were my two random thoughts then. Seriously the words fucking sped across my mind and into my fingers and onto the keyboard etc, etc. So now, I'm going to answer my question of the day.
I should always write at 2 am.
"Who’s a better pirate: Captain Barbossa or Captain Jack Sparrow?"
Alright, I think...despite popular belief, Barbossa wins this coin toss. Why? because he pillaged the shit out of people. Why? because he was immortal. That certainly gives you a great advantage. Imagine, running up and down the seven seas and every time the moon comes out you're a skeleton and nothing can kill you...and even if they tried to hack you to bits, your parts eventually find each other...
and who can forget the fact that he fucking pillaged the Black Pearl from Jack Sparrow. He may be one fine ass mother fucker that i'd have sex with blind-folded and gagged...(hm, that didnt sound right...) but he's a SHITTY pirate. quite shitty indeed. yes. quite.
Eli's question of the day!!!
If you could pick ONE (and i mean that...JUST.ONE.) thing to take with you to college next year...what would it be?
(it's thematic since im leaving on thursday!)
<3 snoopy