Monday, April 16, 2007


a random post to this...mostly dead blog.

here's a link that made me laugh out loud that i think you'll enjoy.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

News Update


I checked the blog today and noticed that there have been no updates since the last time I posted about the "Pirates" question.

Not impressed, Eli...not impressed in the slightest.

So, the black half of this blog has now MOVED to the states to go to college. Oooh, look at Snoopy, she's ambitious, she's pursuing higher education. Pfft, fuck that. More like pursuing more keg parties and random hook-ups. Hell. Yes.

So, the other day I was thinking about coming back to Lima, just for shits and giggles. (hey, dont lie, you've giggled while you were sitting on the thomas crapper.) I just imagined what it would be like after living in the states for a grand total of about three weeks. Things are quite different in the states. Definitely just as loud at the parties, but so far I havent found any that are as fun. I suppose that's because I have to go out and find people and meet them, get involved in things. That means more work though...blech. Not a good thing.
I was late for my first class today. w00t! Got up a full 10 minutes late and walked into class briskly about 20 minutes late. It was awesome not having the entire class stare at you like you're some sort of WEIRDO for coming to classes late. Everyone had their heads down from a crazy Labor Day weekend. lol!

So that's everything that's been happening with me. That I wish to divulge I suppose...

until next time...
<3 snoopy

Monday, August 14, 2006

some thoughts that went through my head today

Here is a list of completely random yet relevant (oxymoron...paradoxical phrase?) thoughts that sped through my brain this evening. I was talking to Eli and of course, she mentioned that we hadn't updated the blog in ages. I can actually see little micro dust gathering on the links of the buttons to get into the blog.

"Wow, if I hold my head sideways, it looks like I'm ACTUALLY typing faster."

Now I actually just came up with the above thought, I was literally typing with my head sideways and decided to add it before I forgot. It was a crazy thought.

"Holy shit, Eli left me a question of the day and I better click on the link to see what it was so I can answer it."

Okay, those were my two random thoughts then. Seriously the words fucking sped across my mind and into my fingers and onto the keyboard etc, etc. So now, I'm going to answer my question of the day.
I should always write at 2 am.

"Who’s a better pirate: Captain Barbossa or Captain Jack Sparrow?"

Alright, I think...despite popular belief, Barbossa wins this coin toss. Why? because he pillaged the shit out of people. Why? because he was immortal. That certainly gives you a great advantage. Imagine, running up and down the seven seas and every time the moon comes out you're a skeleton and nothing can kill you...and even if they tried to hack you to bits, your parts eventually find each other...
and who can forget the fact that he fucking pillaged the Black Pearl from Jack Sparrow. He may be one fine ass mother fucker that i'd have sex with blind-folded and gagged...(hm, that didnt sound right...) but he's a SHITTY pirate. quite shitty indeed. yes. quite.

Eli's question of the day!!!
If you could pick ONE (and i mean that...JUST.ONE.) thing to take with you to college next year...what would it be?

(it's thematic since im leaving on thursday!)

<3 snoopy

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Eli, you have no idea how ashamed of myself that I am...
Now that I have some spare time to write in the blog, I shall let myself GOOOOOOOOO!!

damn's nearly midnight and i have a driving lesson tomorrow.
these pictures that can be found on my MYSPACE account will have to do for now.
i will answer the question..i will...
and i will comment about your funky "accidnt" w/ ur cousin.

<3 jessie

Saturday, July 08, 2006

shut down the blog?!

blog. neglect.

blog might. be erased. forever.

shut down.


Tuesday, June 06, 2006

eli n snoopy's dictionary

tood = food

yesiopia = yes

gret = great

so, one day me and eli were having an online conversation. we kept spellin words wrong but we knew what they meant. they are now part of our new dictionary. more additions to come.

and i just peed in my pants.

<3 snoopy


you know i had to write an entry on this.

so, the sixth day, of the sixth month of the new sixth year.

at least in our generation. because there was 1906 and shit...
we'll just have to wait around another 10 years to have an "OOH THE WORLD IS ENDING!!" moment.
thats the part that I THINK is fucked up about all this...who came up with 666 being the number of the devil anyway? i know GOD didn't think of it, neither did einstein or thomas edison. they were too busy being relatively bright. hehehe, get it...relativity...the lightbulb=bright. hehe. okay fuck you.

so who came up with 666? i didnt. you realize that if we had said 555 was the devil's number i'd be writing it on that, right? because, if you think about it...because we've seen things a certain way for nearly 2000 years...anything else looks weird, or "not right" or...*gasp* abnormal.

like what if we had our arms on our asses. like you know, two large arms with hands sticking out of our ass cheeks. sure, for what we've INVENTED, that shit would be perverted, strange and completely impractical. but what if we had invented cars that you drove with your hands in your ass? or telephones that you could pick up and talk trhough your ass with. considering your arms wont reach all the way up to your mouth from your ass...ya get what i'm saying.

so people. and you can go ahead and have a baby, he wont be that evil "damien" creature from "the omen". that's right. your baby will be PERFECTLY NORMAL. he will not conjure spirits, he will not raise dead bodies, he will not try to kill you. all hell will not break lose...maybe in his playpen...but certainly not on the world.

<3 snoopy

Thursday, May 25, 2006

this movie is freakin hilarious. dane cook is one of the best comedians that i know. and its this kid tht is imitating him as the voice speaks. you have to really listen to what he is saying. its so freakin funny.

